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Publication Date: June 2008
Publisher: Center for Governmental Studies
Author(s): Walter S. Baer; Roy Ulrich
Research Area: Ballot Initiatives
Keywords: Signature gathering; Initiatives, Online petition
Type: Report
Coverage: California
Rather than providing the average citizen with a way to make his voice heard, the initiative process has become just another way for special interests to advance their agenda. There are signature-gathering companies, lawyers who draft the measures for well-healed clients, and political consultants who work to pass or defeat the measures. It is fair to call it the fourth branch of state government, except that it lacks the normal checks and balances attributable to the other three branches. While obtaining signatures is intended to show that a proposed initiative has broad voter support, qualification in practice depends largely on how much money the proponents spend on paid petition circulators who gather voters' signatures.
Date: May 2007
Topic: Campaign Finance
Publisher: Center for Governmental Studies