,The Symbol-System of Zionist-Socialism: An Aspect of Israeli Civil Religion

The Symbol-System of Zionist-Socialism: An Aspect of Israeli Civil Religion


Publication Date: January 1981

Publisher: Johns Hopkins University. Press

Author(s): Eliezer Don-Yehiya; Charles S. Liebman

Research Area: Culture and religion

Keywords: Israeli Jews; Identity formation; Academic research

Type: Report

Coverage: Israel


In: Modern Judaism 1/2, 121-148. The major symbols of Zionist-Socialism, its myths and ceremonies, were laden with traditional motifs and representations. These symbols which were borrowed, in toto, from outside the tradition, proved to be ephemeral. The traditional Jewish symbols underwent transformation and transvaluation to suit them to the values of Zionist-Socialism. But the retention of traditional forms, however new the content, serves to legitimate traditional symbols which may result in their continued vitality.