,Why Is this City Different From Other Cities? New York and the 1990 National Jewish Population Survey

Why Is this City Different From Other Cities? New York and the 1990 National Jewish Population Survey


Publication Date: January 1992

Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

Author(s): Bethamie Horowitz; Jeffrey R. Solomon

Research Area: Culture and religion

Keywords: Jewish Identification; Communal Organization

Type: Report

Coverage: United States New York


Findings from the 1991 New York Jewish Population Study, which used the same sampling and screening methodology as the NJPS, indicate that Jewish life in the New York City area differs significantly from American Jewish life elsewhere —it is at least 13 years behind the national intermarriage trends, and there is a much higher Jewish identification rate among New York Jews. It is argued that New York provides a different context for religion and ethnicity, in which Jewishness is a social category of consequence, over and above the private lives of the individual Jews who live there.