,,Will the Real Immigrant Please Stand Up? Transferring Models of Jewish Acculturation for Soviet Jews to the Unaffiliated American Jew

Will the Real Immigrant Please Stand Up? Transferring Models of Jewish Acculturation for Soviet Jews to the Unaffiliated American Jew


Publication Date: January 1994

Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

Author(s): Linda Pattashnick Klonsky; Miriam Prum-Hess; Ellen Bernhardt

Research Area: Culture and religion

Keywords: Jewish identification; Outreach; Immigration

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


With minimal adjustments, models of Jewish acculturation for new Americans from the former Soviet Union can be applied to reach unaffiliated American Jews. Both groups lack a Jewish education, a positive Jewish identity, and financial commitment to the Jewish community. Acculturation programming, such as welcoming activities, family-to-family matching, and the transitional school, can be used successfully to reach the unaffiliated.