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Publication Date: January 1994
Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America
Author(s): Gerald B. Bubis
Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Keywords: Professions; Social Services; Communal Organization
Type: Report
Coverage: United States
This article attempts to analyze the issues we in the field of Jewish communal service face as we continue to confront our possibilities as professionals. These issues — among them, the degree to which Jewish communal service is a profession and different models of professionalism — assume greater importance in the face of the increasing financial constraints under which Jewish not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) operate today. The professional status of Jewish communal service is no longer an academic question as it is coming under increasing threat in today's cost-cutting environment. We in the field must move to develop a clearer model for Jewish communal service that would clarify the essential attributes of Jewish communal professionals, rationalize salaries and benefits, including setting an appropriate entry-level salary standard, and establish new ways of certifying and monitoring practice.