Women in the Executive Recruitment Process: An Executive Search Professional's Perspective


Publication Date: January 1995

Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

Author(s): David E. Edell

Research Area: Business; Population and demographics

Keywords: Leadership; Feminism; Communal Organization

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Whereas in years past, candidates for CEO positions were selected from among the agency or field's leading practitioners, today's preferred candidates have experience and training in management and administration. although there are increasing numbers of female senior managers in Jewish agencies, often their responsibilities do not offer them the opportunity to leam the skills required of a CEO. As a result, search committees are looking outside the Jewish community—in govemment, academia, and other nonprofit arenas—for qualified women. It is therefore necessary to design senior management positions within the Jewish community that will enable women to have the experience and record of accomplishment required to be considered for CEO positions.