Fertility and Other Demographic Variables in Multicultural Jerusalem, 1995-2020


Publication Date: January 1999

Publisher: Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry

Author(s): Sergio DellaPergola

Research Area: Population and demographics

Keywords: World Jews; Demography; Fertility

Type: Report


This paper presents selected findings from a new set of population projections for the city of Jerusalem over the period 1995-2020. The paper describes trends observed in the growth rates of eight main religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic sub-populations, each with its own patterns of fertility, geographical mobility, and age composition. Selected results of population projections are presented, covering a range of different hypothesis. Attention is given to the balance of the Jewish versus the Arab and other population, and within the Jewish population, of the more religiously observant sub-population versus the rest. Some implications of the current and expected demographic trends for urban and national policies are outlined.