,From Integration to Survival: American Jewish Anxieties in Transition

From Integration to Survival: American Jewish Anxieties in Transition


Publication Date: July 1985

Publisher: Sage Publications, inc.

Author(s): Steven M. Cohen; Leonard J. Fein

Research Area: Culture and religion

Keywords: Immigration; American Jews; Identity Formation

Type: Report


Until roughly 1967, the dominant theme of American Jewish history was integration. Could the Jews find here in America the safety that had eluded them everywhere else in their wanderings? And, if so, at what cost to their Jewish beliefs and behaviors? From 1967 onward the theme has shifted. Greater concern is now focused on the maintenance of Jewish identity and commitment. With the shift from the integration of Jews to the survival of Judaism has come a renewal of interest in the meanings and implications of the Jewish experience.

In Annals, AAPSS, 480, July 1985, p.75-88.