U.S. Global Leadership to Safeguard our Climate, Security, and Economy


Publication Date: June 2008

Publisher: Better World Campaign

Author(s): Nigel Purvis

Research Area: Environment

Keywords: Presidential transition; Clean energy; Climate change

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Global climate change is a serious and growing threat to the United States and the world. The adverse
impacts are already harming our economy and our communities, and those costs will rise significantly with
time. Importantly, climate change also jeopardizes critical U.S. international affairs and security interests. By
placing new stresses on vulnerable societies, weak governments, and degraded environments, climate change increases the risk of severe humanitarian crises, mass migration, and armed conflict over scarce natural resources, as well as contributing to the economic malaise that can breed despair, violence, and terrorism.

To safeguard our country and the world, we must act in concert with other nations to marshal an effective
global response to the climate crisis. Meeting this challenge must become a defining objective of U.S. foreign policy.