,Israel Off Their Minds: The Diminished Place of Israel in the Political Thinking of Young Jews

Israel Off Their Minds: The Diminished Place of Israel in the Political Thinking of Young Jews


Publication Date: October 2008

Publisher: Berman Jewish Policy Archive

Author(s): Steven M. Cohen; Sam Abrams

Research Area: Culture and religion; Politics

Keywords: Israel attachment; Youth; Politican Behavior; Religious Denominations

Type: News release

Coverage: United States


Results from the 2008 National Survey of American Jews sponsored by the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU Wagner show that young non-Orthodox Jews are far less likely than their elders to be thinking abou the security of Israel as a factor in their voting when they go to the polls for the upcoming November 4th 2008 presidential election. Among the non-Orthodox, Jews 65+ are almost twice as likely to rate the Israel-Palestine conflict as a major consideration in their vote for President as are Jews their children's age, those 21-34. Jews 35-64, report levels of concern about Israel intermediate between their younger and older counterparts.

Among those 65 and over, 54% rate "high" or "very high" the Israel-Palestine conflict as a consideration in determining their vote for Obama or McCain. This figure comes in contrast with far lower levels among younger non-Orthodox Jews: 39% among those 35-54, and just 29% among those under 35.