The Charade of United Nations Reform


Publication Date: December 1987

Publisher: Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.)

Author(s): Thomas E. L. Dewey

Research Area: International relations

Keywords: International organizations

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


U.S. policy toward the United Nations is at a turning point: after six years of pressuring the United Nations to reform itself, the Reagan Administration seems to be flirting with surrender to State Department efforts to rescue the UN system. The US. Congress, long the-driving force behind U.N. reform efforts, should prevent a State Department-led reversal of this six-year effort. Congress should freeze or reduce the US contribution to the U.N. Such tough congressional action will be in the U.N.'s long-term interests. Wen the U.nited Nations administration is convinced that genuine change is the only means of regaining full U.S. support will it begin to effect the needed, desired reforms, and thus enable the U.N. to fulfill its mandate.