Budget FY2002: A Chronology with Internet Access


Publication Date: September 2002

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Banking and finance



This report is a select chronology of, and a finding guide for information on, congressional and presidential actions and documents related to major budget events in calendar year 2001, covering the FY2002 budget (October 1, 2001-September 30, 2002). Brief information is provided that identifies the President's budget actions, congressional budget resolutions, appropriations measures (regular, continuing, supplementals, and rescissions), budget reconciliation, House and Senate votes, publications, testimony, charts, and tables.

Congressional users of the Internet version, accessible via the CRS appropriations page [http://www.crs.gov/products/appropriations/apppage.shtml] can click on the highlighted (underlined) section and be connected to the full-text CRS products, documents, publications, testimony, and data tables cited. Internet addresses are provided in the printed copy of this report, so that the reader can consult cited information.

Examples of Internet connections to full-text material found in this report include CRS products on the budget process, reconciliation, and each of the 13 appropriations bills; pie charts such as "The Federal Dollar--Where the Money Comes From and Where it Goes"; Congressional Budget Office (CBO) publications including the Economic and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years 2002-2011; and General Accounting Office (GAO) reports such as Federal Debt: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Other Internet links provide data tables and charts on the budget and debt, selected congressional testimony, bills, reports, and public laws for FY1999-FY2001 appropriations legislation.

If Internet access is not available, addresses and phone numbers are listed for congressional committees and executive branch agencies mentioned in this report, and the sources of other publications are given. This report will no longer be updated.