A Primer on E-Government: Sectors, Stages, Opportunities, and Challenges of Online Governance


Publication Date: January 2003

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information



Electronic government (e-government) intersects many legislative issues, including privacy, digital divide (the lack of equal access to computers, whether due to a lack of financial resources or necessary skills), public access to government information, service delivery, and information security. E-government solutions are prominently represented in efforts to improve the management and efficiency of government information technology resources. To help policymakers discern egovernment initiatives relative to their role in various issues, this report identifies and defines the principal e-government sectors and stages of development. It also outlines some of the opportunities and challenges associated with e-government.

Some observers define e-government in terms of specific actions such as using a kiosk to receive job information, or applying for Social Security benefits through a web site. Other observers define e-government more generally as automating the delivery of government services. While perceptions vary widely, one organization, The Gartner Group, summarizes e-government as "the continuous optimization of service delivery, constituency participation, and governance by transforming internal and external relationships through technology, the Internet, and new media."

E-government initiatives could have implications for federalism. One of the hallmarks of a federal system of governance is the emphasis on vertical divisions of power. In contrast, e-government initiatives utilize information technologies that emphasize a horizontal, or networked, model of communication and interaction. While e-government is designed, in part, to dissolve the barriers separating different agencies, it could also have a similar effect on the boundaries of federal governance.

Although e-government encompasses a wide range of activities and actors, three distinct sectors can be identified. These include government-to-government (G2G), government-to-business (G2B), and government-to-citizen (G2C). Each of these sectors represents a different combination of motivating forces and initiatives. However, some common goals include improving the efficiency, reliability, and quality of services for the respective constituency groups.

Due to a variety of technical, economic, and political reasons, e-government initiatives take time to evolve into their full potential. Consequently, one can divide e-government projects into four stages of evolution: presence, interaction, transaction, and transformation. Each successive stage represents an augmented capability to provide information and services as interactive transactions online.

Finally, proponents and critics of e-government recognize that there are a variety of opportunities and challenges involved with the successful implementation of egovernment initiatives. Some of the potential opportunities include new services, increased citizen participation in government, and an enhanced national information infrastructure. Some of the potential challenges include information security and privacy, disparities in computer access, and management and funding requirements. This report will be updated as events warrant.