,Better Outcomes for All: Promoting Partnerships between Head Start and State Pre-K

Better Outcomes for All: Promoting Partnerships between Head Start and State Pre-K


Publication Date: January 2007

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy; Pre-K Now (Washington, D.C.)

Author(s): Helene Stebbins; L. Carol Scott

Research Area: Education

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


This report, a collaboration between CLASP and Pre-K Now, examines how Head Start and state pre-kindergarten programs can work together to best serve young children and their families. The authors conducted in-depth interviews with state pre-k program directors, Head Start collaboration coordinators, and providers of both Head Start and state pre-k programs in five states.

The report finds that collaborations led to the enrollment of more children; the availability of more full-day, full-year options; and improvements in the quality of programs across settings. All of those interviewed for the report noted that collaboration is possible under current law and that it is well worth the effort.