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Publication Date: January 2008
Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy; Center for Law and Social Policy
Author(s): Anne Goldstein; Elizabeth Hoffmann; Rachel Schumacher
Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Type: Report
Coverage: United States
This policy framework sets forth four key principles that establish the foundation of supports that all babies and toddlers in child care need, as well as 15 recommendations that state child care licensing, quality, and subsidy policies should address.
The Charting Progress for Babies in Child Care project is a multi-year effort to identify state policies that support the healthy development of infants and toddlers in child care settings, and to build an online resource to help states implement these policies. The policy framework draws on the expertise of more than a hundred policymakers, researchers, and advocates at the state and national level.
Next steps for the project include an online resource that builds on the framework to provide research-based rationales for each recommendation and a set of policies that may help states move toward that goal.