Input on Improving Federal Child Welfare Financing Mechanisms


Publication Date: August 2003

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Rutledge Q. Hutson

Research Area: Social conditions

Type: Brief

Coverage: United States


The new Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care is developing recommendations to improve federal financing mechanisms in ways that facilitate faster movement of children from foster care into safe, permanent families and reduce the need to place children in foster care.

This memo encourages the Commission to begin by considering a set of questions about the fundamental purposes and goals of the child welfare system. We hope such a big picture analysis will suggest the value of expanding Title IV-E eligibility to cover all children and all child welfare services. The memo also makes recommendations about immediate steps Congress can take, while the Commission deliberates about a broader vision. These interim steps will begin to strengthen the child welfare systems ability to meet the needs of maltreated children.