,Creating Postsecondary Pathways to Good Jobs for Young High School Dropouts

Creating Postsecondary Pathways to Good Jobs for Young High School Dropouts


Publication Date: October 2008

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Linda Harris; Evelyn Ganzglass

Research Area: Education

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


This paper advocates expansion and better integration of efforts to connect high school dropouts between the ages of 16 and 24 to pathways to postsecondary credentials that have value in the labor market. The paper highlights examples of innovations in policy, program delivery, pedagogy in adult education, youth development and dropout recovery, and postsecondary education that should be built upon in developing more robust and successful dropout recovery and postsecondary education policies and practices to open the door to higher wages and career opportunities for this population.

The authors urge federal officials, governors, school administrators, college officials, workforce leaders and employers to provide leadership in building the supports and pathways at scale to bring dropout youth back into the education and labor market mainstream. The paper was prepared for the Center for American Progress.