Key Facts: Women and Medicare


Publication Date: July 2001

Publisher: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation


Research Area: Health

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Medicare is a critical source of health insurance coverage for virtually all older women in the U.S. and for many younger women who have permanent disabilities. Today, 22 million women one in five adult women rely on Medicare for basic health insurance protection. In fact, women comprise 57% of the Medicare population. Medicare helps to make health care more affordable for older women at a time in their lives when they are most likely to have multiple health problems that require ongoing and often costly medical treatment.

This document, Key Facts: Women and Medicare, profiles women who rely on Medicare, using the most current data available. It addresses the health needs and financial security concerns of women on Medicare. It highlights gaps in coverage, such as prescription drugs and long-term care, and presents public opinion data on women's support for Medicare reform.