,,Moving Forward with Ballistic Missile Defense: A Memo to President-elect Obama

Moving Forward with Ballistic Missile Defense: A Memo to President-elect Obama


Publication Date: December 2008

Publisher: Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.)

Author(s): Baker Spring; Peter Brookes; James Jay Carafano

Research Area: Military and defense

Keywords: Space-based weapons; Nuclear arms; Presidential transition

Type: Brief

Coverage: United States


President-elect Obama, during the campaign you said you were committed to protecting the United States and its allies against attacks that employ weapons of mass destruction (WMD). This commitment extends to fielding defenses against such attacks that are delivered by ballistic missile systems. Your pledge is in keeping with the Bush Administration's policy, moving the U.S. away from the Cold War strategy of relying almost exclusively on large-scale retaliatory threats, including nuclear weapons, to deter attacks. The American people should welcome this continuity because, first and foremost, they want to be protected.