Payments for Service to Jewish Communal Agencies


Publication Date: September 1958

Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

Author(s): William Avrunin

Research Area: Social conditions

Keywords: Allocations; Jewish Organizations; Social Services

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


The author discusses the issue of paying for the services of Jewish communal welfare agencies. He classifies agencies into three groups: those who bill clients for up to 100% of costs (such as day camps, hospitals and nursing homes); those who bill for roughly 40-50% of costs (such as Jewish Community Centers and Jewish schools); and those who bill for less than 15% of costs (such as child care, family care and vocational counseling).

In Journal of Jewish Communal Service, ed. By Herbert Aptekar, v.35, no.1, September 1958, p.49-56