,,,Dynamic Interaction of Health Services for the Aged

Dynamic Interaction of Health Services for the Aged


Publication Date: March 1959

Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

Author(s): Edward E. Gordon; Abraham I. Gimble; Janet Anderson; Ethel Mendkoff

Research Area: Health

Keywords: Health; Social Services; Elderly; Institutional Care

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Care for the aging is a multidimensional endeavor requiring multiple professionals working and communicating in tandem, the authors contend. The perspectives of an internist, an occupational therapist, a social services worker, and a rehabilitation specialist are presented in order to show the ways in which these disciplines overlap in treating the elderly.

In Journal of Jewish Communal Service, ed. By Sanford Sherman, v.35, no.3, March 1959, p.265-277.