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Publication Date: February 2008
Publisher: Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies; Steinhardt Social Research Institute
Author(s): Theodore Sasson; Charles Kadushin; Leonard Saxe
Research Area: Culture and religion
Keywords: Israel attachment; Diaspora Relations; Youth
Type: Report
Coverage: United States
Widespread concern exists within the American Jewish community about declining American Jewish attachment to Israel. Concern has been fueled by social scientific analyses which, both conceptually and empirically, suggest declining attachment. The present paper examines these arguments, along with evidence from national surveys conducted over several decades, and critically assesses the emerging narrative about American Jewry’s growing distance from Israel. Substantial evidence exists that challenges this narrative and the development of programs such as Taglit-Birthright Israel, which brings large numbers of Diaspora young adults to Israel, suggests that just the opposite trend is underway.