,,,,Taglit-Birthright Israel Evaluation: 2007 North American Cohorts

Taglit-Birthright Israel Evaluation: 2007 North American Cohorts


Publication Date: December 2007

Publisher: Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies; Steinhardt Social Research Institute

Author(s): Leonard Saxe; Theodore Sasson; Benjamin Phillips; Shahar Hecht; Graham Wright

Research Area: Culture and religion; Education

Keywords: Israel attachment; Israel Experience; Youth; Program Evaluation

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


With more than 150,000 Diaspora Jewish young adults having now traveled to Israel through Taglit-Birthright Israel and tens of thousands waiting for an opportunity to participate, it is more important than ever to understand how the program affects participants. This report describes the North American cohort that applied for Birthright Israel trips during winter 2007 and compares participants' and non-participants' attitudes and behaviors post trip.