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Publication Date: November 2006
Publisher: Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies; Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life
Author(s): Mark I. Rosen
Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Keywords: Outreach; Family; Program Evaluation
Type: Report
Coverage: United States
This report describes the results of an in-depth study based on visits to ten Jewish communities around the country that have developed successful outreach programs for first-time parents and parents with young children. The report focuses on how these communities find parents who are not connected to the community, and describes the programs they offer to help these parents make connections. Over one hundred professionals in Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Denver, Milwaukee, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, and Washington, DC were interviewed to obtain detailed information about each community’s programs, the parents who participated, the program staff and volunteers, and the community infrastructure that supported these efforts. Focus groups were also conducted with parents and volunteers.