Work of United Hebrew Charities


Publication Date: November 1913

Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America


Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions

Keywords: Social Services; Communal Organization; Management

Type: Other

Coverage: United States


Some highlights from the annual report of the trustees of United Hebrew Charities including:

* The organizations work in lobbying the city government for suitable and affordable shelters for pushcart vendors, particularly in congested areas;

* Moving families from downtown to outlying boroughs in order to permit them better and safer homes in less congested quarters;

* Dealing with the challenge of keeping the public informed about its work while respecting the confidentiality of the people it serves;

* Minimizing and reporting on the costs of administration;

* Its work in developing aid that fosters self-help.

Bulletin of the National Conference of Jewish Charities, 4:4