,"Quality of Life" -- A Program for the Chronically Ill Homebound

"Quality of Life" -- A Program for the Chronically Ill Homebound


Publication Date: September 1977

Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

Author(s): Fred E. Ochs; Jaclynn Faffer

Research Area: Health

Keywords: Social Services; Health; Social Work

Type: Report

Coverage: New York United States


This article gives an overview of a program for the chronically ill homebound. The author states that the chronically ill homebound adult must deal with many losses. Their social isolation is often profound. Severely incapacitating illness has deprived them of most, if not all, of their ability to be productive. Beyond that, it threatens as well the very core of their humanity. This program is geared to serve the chronically ill homebound and is a challenge to the responsibility of the Jewish community towards a neglected minority.

In Journal of Jewish Communal Service, v.54 no.1, Fall 1977.