,World Jewish Population, 1982

World Jewish Population, 1982


Publication Date: January 1984

Publisher: American Jewish Committee

Author(s): Sergio DellaPergola; Uziel O. Schmelz

Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics

Keywords: Jewish Identification; Demography; Population Estimate; Study

Type: Report


This article presents updates, as of 1982, on the population of world Jewry. The population estimates given here reflect a prolonged and ongoing effort to study scientifically the demography of contemporary world Jewry. Data collection and comparative research have benefited from the collaboration of scholars and institutions in many countries, including replies to direct inquiries regarding current estimates. The elaboration of the 1982 estimates has been handicapped by the fact that some of the censuses taken around 1980 have not yielded detailed results or request further evaluation.

In American Jewish Yearbook 1984, pp. 247-258.