Making the Case for Increasing Federal Child Care Funding: A Fact Sheet


Publication Date: October 2003

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Jennifer Mezey

Research Area: Social conditions

Type: Brief

Coverage: United States


Child care assistance is an essential part of any strategy to help families leave or avoid welfare, maintain employment, and become self-sufficient. This fact sheet argues that: (1) a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) reauthorization bill that is not accompanied by an adequate increase in child care funding will cause low-income children to lose child care assistance, (2) many low-income families are barely making it and need child care assistance, (3) even without new welfare work requirements, states already lack adequate child care resources, and (4) as a result of declining TANF reserves, along with historic state fiscal crises, many states are cutting programs for low-income families, including child care.