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Publication Date: January 1986
Publisher: Jewish Agency for Israel
Author(s): Steven B. Nasatir
Research Area: Culture and religion
Keywords: Jewish Organizations; Organizational Development; Fundraising and Philanthropy; Diaspora Relations
Type: Other
Coverage: United States
The author, the Executive Vice-President of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, discusses some of the more significant achievements and successes accomplished by the Jewish Agency. He outlines certain problems of differing perspectives within the Jewish Agency's orbit of responsibility, such as the inability of the Agency to count on automatic and almost unquestioning support from American Jewry and the divisive issue of amending the Law of Return. The author concludes by discussing suggestions for future strengthening of ties between North American Federations and the Jewish Agency. He calls on American Federations to provide assistance to help develop a Federation-type movement in Israel and to raise significantly more funds for Jewish Agency programs.