,Israel Studies in New York

Israel Studies in New York


Publication Date: January 2008

Publisher: Association for Jewish Studies; Association for Jewish Studies

Author(s): Allan Arkush; Allan Arkush

Research Area: Culture and religion

Keywords: Meeting; History; Israel Education; Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Type: Report

Coverage: New York New York


The author discusses the twenty-fourth annual conference of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS) in New York, held during the month of Israel's 60th anniversary. The author focuses his report upon the keynote speech by Tel Aviv University historian Anita Shapira, and the plenary session featuring historian Benny Morris and NYU Middle Eastern Studies professor Zachary Lockman. The author, referencing the topic of the keynote speech, contends that if David Ben-Gurion had been alive and in attendance, he would not have been pleased with the conference.