,Teaching Undergraduates the History of Early Modern Sephardic and Eastern Jews

Teaching Undergraduates the History of Early Modern Sephardic and Eastern Jews


Publication Date: January 2005

Publisher: Association for Jewish Studies; Association for Jewish Studies

Author(s): Matt Goldish; Matt Goldish

Research Area: Culture and religion; Education

Keywords: Sephardic Jews; Mizrahi Jews; Higher Education; Judaic Studies

Type: Report

Coverage: United States United States


The author discusses three problems common to the teaching of Sephardic and Eastern Jewries to Western undergraduate students: (1) the definition of "Sephardic" and the fluidity of boundaries between different Jewish groups; (2) students' unfamiliarity with the regions ins question; and (3) the challenge of finding appropriate course readings. The author discusses his approaches to these problems, including some specific suggestions for course readings.