,,,,,Expand and Enhance: A Proposal to Strengthen the MCA Eligibility Process When Adding the Natural Resource Indicators

Expand and Enhance: A Proposal to Strengthen the MCA Eligibility Process When Adding the Natural Resource Indicators


Publication Date: January 2007

Publisher: Center for Global Development; Center for Global Development

Author(s): Steve Radelet; Sheila Herrling; Sarah Rose; Steve Radelet; Sheila Herrling; Sarah Rose

Research Area: Environment; International relations



This week the Millennium Challenge Corp. briefed staff-level representatives of its Board on plans to add two new indicators, for Natural Resources Management and Land Rights and Access, to the country eligibility criteria starting with the FY 2008. Expand and Enhance: A Proposal to Strengthen the MCA Eligibility Process When Adding the Natural Resource Indicators, a new MCA Monitor paper by Steve Radelet, Sheila Herrling, and Sarah Rose, offers suggestions about how to incorporate the new indicators into the existing three-part criteria: Ruling Justly, Investing in People, and Economic Freedom.