,,,,,Billions for War, Pennies for the Poor: Moving the President's FY2008 Budget from Hard Power to Smart Power

Billions for War, Pennies for the Poor: Moving the President's FY2008 Budget from Hard Power to Smart Power


Publication Date: March 2007

Publisher: Center for Global Development; Center for Global Development

Author(s): Samuel Bazzi; Sheila Herrling; Stewart Patrick; Samuel Bazzi; Sheila Herrling; Stewart Patrick

Research Area: International relations



President Bush's FY2008 budget request provides a first glimpse into how the administration's new foreign assistance framework and transformational diplomacy agenda translate into who gets how much for what. In this CGD essay, authors Samuel Bazzi, Sheila Herrling and Stewart Patrick, show that the U.S. continues to devote a tiny fraction of national wealth to alleviate poverty and promote growth in the developing world. They recommend reform of U.S. development assistance include: a comprehensive national strategy for global development; a hard look at the top recipients; impact evaluation; a cabinet-level development agency; and rewriting the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. Learn more