,,,Latino Family Engagement in After-School Programs

Latino Family Engagement in After-School Programs


Publication Date: January 2008

Publisher: National Council of La Raza

Author(s): Metropolitan Group; Marcela Montes; Metropolitan Group; Marcela Montes

Research Area: Education

Keywords: Hispanic population; Child development; Public education; Acculturation

Type: Report

Coverage: United States United States


After-school programs are in an important position to improve the academic achievement of Latino youth. Social trends, such as more women entering the workforce and an increase in the number of single-parent households, have led to a greater need for after-school programs. Advocates interested in narrowing the achievement gap view after-school programs as a critical opportunity for youth to gain “21st century skills” – global literacy, problem solving, innovation, and creativity – via supplementary academic support and developmentally rich activities. Through 21st Century Community Learning Centers and supplementary education services, the federal government has played a major role in expanding and improving after-school programs, especially for underserved youth. While such programs have increased, the need for even more resources continues to grow with the nation’s Latino youth.