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Publication Date: December 2008
Publisher: Tax Policy Center
Author(s): Eric Toder; Leonard E. Burman; Christopher Geissler
Research Area: Banking and finance
Keywords: Federal Budgets & Fiscal Policy; Tax Distribution and Economic Trends; Taxes and Social Programs; Budget Issues
Type: Report
Analysts often add up tax expenditures to estimate an aggregate cost, but those tallies are inaccurate because they ignore interactions among provisions. We estimate that interactions raise the cost of nonbusiness tax expenditures by 5 to 8 percent, depending on whether an AMT patch is in effect. In 2007, these tax expenditures totaled about $750 billion?5.5 percent of GDP. While tax expenditures benefit taxpayers in all income groups, high-income households gain more relative to income than low-income ones. Although the AMT eliminates some tax preferences, it increases overall tax expenditures because most AMT taxpayers face higher marginal tax rates.