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Publication Date: July 2009
Publisher: Tax Policy Center
Author(s): Sam Young
Research Area: Banking and finance
Keywords: Federal Budgets & Fiscal Policy; Income and Wealth Distribution; Tax Distribution and Economic Trends; Taxes and Social Programs
Type: Report
Tax Notes, July 27, 2009. Leonard E. Burman is a fellow at the Urban Institute and director of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. He previously served as deputy assistant secretary for tax analysis at the Treasury Department from 1998 to 2000 and as senior analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. This fall, he will become the first Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Policy at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. Burman recently sat down with Tax Analysts' Sam Young to discuss his future plans, the outlook for healthcare reform in Congress, and his proposal to create a VAT to pay for healthcare.