Models for Change: Lessons for Creating Active Living Communities: A series of 11 case studies examining active living policy change and policy innovations in several U.S. communities, prepared under the Foundation's Active Living Research program.


Publication Date: November 2007

Publisher: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Author(s): Active Living Research

Research Area: Health

Type: Report


A special issue of Planning magazine (February 2007) presented a series of 11 case study policy briefs, prepared under the Foundation's Active Living Research program. The briefs—with an introduction by Robert Cervero, chair of Active Living Research 's National Advisory Committee—examine active living policy change and policy innovations in several communities throughout the United States.

Among other example, the briefs focus on approaches to building a countywide network of bikeways or multi-use trails, agreements between municipalities and school boards in the planning and siting of school facilities, as well as initiatives to transform greenfields into active living-oriented new towns.

Reprinted with permission from Planning, the magazine of the American Planning Association.