,,New Jersey's Nursing Faculty Shortage: A technical report for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

New Jersey's Nursing Faculty Shortage: A technical report for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Publication Date: October 2007

Publisher: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Author(s): M.E. Cook; B. Wright; S. Reinhard

Research Area: Health

Type: Report


Commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this report is a “state of the state” snapshot of nursing faculty workforce issues in New Jersey. The main components of the paper include:

* Factors underlying the nursing faculty workforce shortage in New Jersey
* Current educational pathways for nursing faculty in this state
* Critical issues that affect faculty recruitment and retention, including average faculty salaries, faculty workload issues, and current and anticipated faculty vacancies
* Trends that may affect New Jersey's faculty workforce/pipeline
* Promising practices
* Recommendations

The report offers several key findings, based on a review of the literature, interviews with national and state experts in nursing education, and a statewide meeting of the New Jersey Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing and invited guests.