Recess Rules: Why the undervalued playtime may be America's best investment for healthy kids and healthy schools.


Publication Date: September 2007

Publisher: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Research Area: Health

Type: Report


There are a growing number of parents, educators, policy-makers, law enforcement professionals and health experts who have come to recognize the benefits of play and are looking for ways to help kids be more physically active in a healthy and safe environment.

This report analyzes several sources of data to identify opportunities for increasing children's physical activity and to understand the factors that could contribute to or impair efforts to maximize those opportunities. This report also explores one model for addressing children's health through play and raises questions about the funding disparities that exist in the universe of physical activity.

The report is informed by the experience of Sports4Kids, a promising and innovative program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (Editor's Note: In July 2009, Sports4Kids changed its name to Playworks.)