,RWJF's Workforce Development Programs: Lessons Learned

RWJF's Workforce Development Programs: Lessons Learned


Publication Date: October 2004

Publisher: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Institute for Health Policy Studies, Unitersity of California, San Francisco

Author(s): J. Showstack; A.A. Rothman

Research Area: Health

Type: Report


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has sponsored programs in health care workforce development for three decades. These programs are widely respected for their success and effectiveness. RWJF undertook an evaluation of these programs to determine ways to improve the development and implementation of current and future programs. The evaluation targeted the planning and implementation stages of new programs; the recruiting of minorities and women; curricular issues; networking and follow-up of participants; mentoring; and the potential addition of a leadership component. Methods of investigation included a review of program evaluations from 11 workforce programs, interviews of evaluators and Foundation staff, and a literature review.

The findings suggest that newly developed programs must have a clearly defined set of goals and measurable objectives which are communicated among the programs' staff, advisors and evaluators. All members of program leadership should be included early in a program's development. Program attributes, such as mentoring and leadership training, should be standardized within and across programs. Evaluation should be a core element during a program's development and implementation, and should be used to help programs refine and pursue their goals and objectives. This analysis and the lessons learned offer an opportunity to improve and refine RWJF's already successful workforce development programs.