Water Resources Development Act (WRDA): Corps of Engineers Authorization Issues


Publication Date: January 2007

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Environment



Congress generally authorizes the water resources studies and projects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in a Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) before appropriating funds to them. The 110th Congress seems likely to consider a WRDA. Like the 107th and 108th Congress, the 109th Congress considered but did not enact WRDA legislation. WRDA enactment previously had loosely followed a biennial schedule, but the most recent WRDA was enacted in 2000.

Issues that shaped WRDA debates in recent Congresses are expected to receive attention during the 110th Congress. WRDA issues likely will include the specifics of Corps reform measures (such as independent review and fish and wildlife mitigation provisions), as well as general concerns about the overall level of new authorizations in light of a backlog of authorized projects awaiting construction and maintenance funding. Different opinions about which projects to authorize, the costshare for large authorizations, and other specifics also are anticipated. The Administration has expressed concerns about the level of authorizations in WRDA bills, as well as about various policy changes and specific projects.

Policy Changes. The proposed policy change that received the most attention in the 109th Congress was the independent review of Corps projects. Which projects to review (i.e., the scope of the review), which projects to exempt from review, who should perform and direct reviews, and how to treat recommendations resulting from the reviews are all likely components of review discussions during the 110th Congress. The Administration supports the general concept of independent peer review of proposed projects.

Coastal Louisiana. Authorization of activities to restore wetlands in coastal Louisiana are likely to be debated in a WRDA in the 110th Congress. On its last day, the 109th Congress passed legislation providing potentially significant sums of money from offshore oil and gas activities that could affect the scope of state wetland restoration efforts. In addition, the 110th Congress may consider other provisions authorizing Louisiana hurricane protection and navigation projects. The Administration objected to a number of provisions in the coastal Louisiana language of the WRDA bills considered by the 109th Congress.

Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway (UMR-IWW). Authorization of spending for navigation improvements and ecosystem restoration on the UMRIWW also is a likely component of WRDA discussions. Some environmental and taxpayer advocacy groups oppose the navigation improvements. Navigation and agricultural interests insist that these improvements are needed to reduce lock delays and maintain global competitiveness. Whether and how to link UMR-IWW navigation improvements and ecosystem restoration also are part of the debate.

Everglades Restoration. Authorization of federal projects planned as part of a larger effort to restore the Florida Everglades, which began with WRDA 2000, may also be part of the WRDA debate.