The 0.22 Percent Across-the-Board Cut in FY2001 Appropriations


Publication Date: May 2001

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Banking and finance



The Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY2001 (P.L. 106-554; H.R. 4577; December 21, 2000) enacted three of the regular appropriations bills for FY2001--Labor-HHS-Education, Legislative Branch, and Treasury-Postal Service--into law by cross-reference, as well as a Miscellaneous Appropriations Act and five legislative measures. Section 1403 of the Miscellaneous Appropriations Act (H.R. 5666) provided for a 0.22% across-the-board cut in FY2001 appropriations. Military personnel spending, as well as appropriations for Labor-HHS-Education programs (and emergency supplemental appropriations for FY2000), were exempted from the cuts. According to a report included in the Analytical Perspectives volume of the President's budget for FY2002, the cuts reduced budget authority and obligation limitations for FY2001 by $1.089 billion. This report will not be updated again.