D-Day: The French Jubilee of Liberty Medal and the 60th Anniversary Commemoration on June 6, 2004, and Events for June 6, 2005


Publication Date: May 2005

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Military and defense



This report details the Jubilee of Liberty Medal awarded to U.S. veterans by the French government to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy by the Allied forces on June 6, 1994 (D-Day). These medals are no longer distributed by the French government. Included is information on how to obtain this medal from a commercial source and how U.S. veterans may obtain an official "Thank-You America 1944-1945" certificate of participation from the French government. Also included is information on official events and activities in Normandy during the 60th anniversary on June 6, 2004, and scheduled events for June 6, 2005. This report will be updated as needed.