U.S. Immigration Policy on Haitian Migrants


Publication Date: January 2005

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Population and demographics


Coverage: Haiti


The devastation of Tropical Storm Jeanne coupled with escalating civil unrest and armed rebellion in Haiti has renewed congressional interest in U.S. policy on Haitian migrants, particularly those attempting to reach the United States by boat. While some observers assert that the arrival of these Haitians demonstrate a breach in border security, others maintain that these Haitians are asylum seekers following a 30-year practice of Haitians coming by boat without legal immigration documents. Migrant interdiction and mandatory detention are key components of U.S. policy toward Haitian migrants, but human rights advocates express concern that Haitians are not afforded the same treatment as other asylum seekers arriving in the United States. This report does not track developments but will be updated if policies are revised.