Unemployment Benefits: Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation (TEUC) Program


Publication Date: July 2003

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Labor



The Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2002 (TEUC), was signed into law March 9, 2002, as a part of P.L. 107-147. TEUC provides up to 13 weeks of additional federally funded unemployment compensation (UC) to individuals in all states who exhaust their regular UC benefits. TEUC also provides a second tier of 13 weeks of benefits to individuals who exhaust their benefits in a highunemployment state (TEUC-X). On January 8, 2003, Congress passed S. 23 (P.L. 1081) extending the TEUC program through May 31, 2003, and phasing-out benefits through August 30, 2003. On April 16, 2003, P.L. 108-11 was signed into law, creating a parallel TEUC program called TEUC-A. TEUC-A provides up to 39 weeks of benefits for displaced airline workers, and provides a second tier (TEUC-AX) of benefits to individuals exhausting their TEUC-A benefits in a high-unemployment state. The Congress passed H.R. 2185, extending the TEUC program through December 31, 2003, and the President signed the bill into law on May 28, 2003 (P.L. 108-26). This report will be updated as events warrant.