Military Base Closures: Redevelopment Assistance Programs


Publication Date: July 2005

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Military and defense



On May 13, 2005, the Department of Defense (DOD) released its list of military bases that it recommends be closed or realigned in the current round of base closures, known generally as "BRAC." The list includes 33 major base closures, 29 major realignments and 775 minor actions resulting in a net reduction of over 26,000 military and civilian personnel. While additional executive and congressional approvals must be given before any closures occur,2 historically the list proposed by DOD has not seen large-scale changes before implementation. Despite the difficulties inherent in a base closure, many communities must now face a very high probability of life without the local military base. Recognizing that closures and realignments can have a major impact on the economies of the affected regions, Congress has created a variety of different resources available both to communities and individual workers to help mitigate the resulting economic dislocation. This report is intended to summarize these various programs. It will be updated as events warrant.