Energy and Mineral Issues in the FY2006 Budget Reconciliation Bill


Publication Date: November 2005

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Environment



Several resource issues that are designed to generate revenue for the federal Treasury have been proposed for the FY2006 budget reconciliation bill. The most controversial of these provisions recommended by the House Resources Committee and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee would open part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil and gas development. The House panel would also allow coastal states to "opt out" of the current offshore oil and gas development moratoria, increase fees for hardrock mining and patents, dispose of certain federal lands, and begin an oil shale and tar sands leasing program. The Congressional Budget Office estimates offsetting receipts from resource development on federal lands in the House recommendation to be $3.7 billion and in the Senate version $2.66 billion between 2006-2010. This report will be updated.