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Publication Date: February 2007
Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Research Area: Trade
U.S. merchandise trade is trade in goods only, not services. In 2006, U.S. exports, imports, and trade deficit reached their highest historical values: U.S. exports were $1.0 trillion, a 14.5% increase; U.S. imports were $1.9 trillion, a 10.9% increase; and the U.S. merchandise trade balance reached -$818 billion, a 6.6% increase. Merchandise trade statistics are used to measure trade in commodities and with partner countries and groups. Latest official annual trade statistics of the U.S. Department of Commerce, used in this report, show that U.S. exports remain strong and growing and that U.S. imports remain even stronger, resulting in the largest annual merchandise trade deficit in U.S. history. This report will be updated as new information becomes available.