,,Ethnic Context, Race Relations, and California Politics

Ethnic Context, Race Relations, and California Politics


Publication Date: July 2000

Publisher: Public Policy Institute of California

Author(s): Bruce Cain; Jack Citrin; Cara Wong

Research Area: Population and demographics

Type: Report

Coverage: California


California’s increased ethnic diversity has generated heated controversies and complex policy debates. In Ethnic Context, Race Relations, and California Politics, Bruce Cain, Jack Citrin, and Cara Wong explore the relationship between ethnic diversity and various policy questions, including whether or not ethnicity should be used as a criterion for distributing public benefits. Focusing on the ethnic composition of a neighborhood and the racial attitudes of its residents, the authors find little evidence that these attitudes are shaped by ethnic context or that ethnic group relations are particularly troubled in diverse neighborhoods. The authors conclude that ethnic tensions in California are not preordained to increase as the state continues to cope with its changing demography.