,,Financial Privacy in the States: How Consumers Benefit From Personal Information Safeguards

Financial Privacy in the States: How Consumers Benefit From Personal Information Safeguards


Publication Date: February 2004

Publisher: California Public Interest Research Group. Education Fund

Author(s): Jasmine Vasavada; Steve Blackledge; Dave Algoso

Research Area: Economics

Keywords: financial privacy; identity theft; consumer privacy

Type: Report

Coverage: California


Federal regulation riddled with loopholes has left large bank conglomerates and other financial institutions with too much leeway to share consumers' private information and too little responsibility for the consequences. Financial Privacy in the States documents the growing concerns that Americans have about financial privacy, presents a survey of state laws that have helped fill regulatory gaps in the financial privacy sphere, and provides an estimate of the economic burden consumers currently bear as a result of inadequate privacy safeguards.